Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Shawshank Redemption and Sociology Essay Sample free essay sample

The film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† is a film about the battle of a adult male named Andy Dufresne. who is a banker in Maine that gets convicted of killing his married woman and her lover. He claimed he was guiltless. but because of his cold and sheltered personality no 1 believed that he was genuinely an guiltless individual. so he was given two life sentences at the Shawshank Prison. A month subsequently Andy approaches another character who they call Red. and Red is the cat you go to in the prison when you need something from the outside universe. Andy wanted a cock to work on his stone aggregations. Red assumed this cock was traveling to be used by Andy to get away. but one time he saw the cock he thought there was no manner it was possible. Andy started working with laundry. but so he attracted the attending of certain cats. We will write a custom essay sample on The Shawshank Redemption and Sociology Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page so he was round and raped daily. Finally he got the occupation of working on the roof with a several other work forces. He over hears the one guard speaking about his revenue enhancements. so he offers to assist him since he was a banker in his former life. Finally he expands the prison library by acquiring the warden to let him to compose letters to the province inquiring for money to finish the undertaking. Finally he gets adequate money that he turn the bantam room into a full sized library. He worked side by side with the character Brooks. who was one of the oldest inmates. He begins learning the other captives because many of them neer received their high school sheepskin and many of them wanted excessively. The one new inmate named Tommy became truly close with Andy and they would state each other many narratives. The one narrative Tommy tells is the narrative about the individual who killed Andy’s married woman and lover. The guards find out that Tommy knows who truly did it. so they killed him and told the other captives that he tried to get away. The one forenoon when they are called to wake up and they step out of their cells Andy is losing. Red subsequently receives a station card in the mail with nil on it and this makes him recognize that Andy made it safely across the boundary line. The whole film discusses the battles that Andy faces while in prison. and shows all th e things he needed to make in order to get away the prison without being shooting. The film is filled with flooring events and demo different types of sociology. The first manner that sociology is shown in the film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† is how Andy experiences civilization daze. Culture daze in the book is shown as a confusion people may meet when coming in contact with a different civilization. and â€Å"can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted premises about life† ( Henslin 37 ) . Traveling from populating a normal mundane life as a banker in Maine. to being forced to populate in a prison would do a sense of freak out because fall ining a prison would be like fall ining a different civilization. He could no longer presume anything because at any point in clip the guards could make up ones mind that they do non wish what he is making and could crush him. Andy had to larn the new societal norms of life inside of the prison. like non inquiring for nutrient or when they will be having nutrient. because if they had asked they learned quickly that they would be punished. and being beaten was the common penalty. Subcultu re is defined as. â€Å"a universe within the larger universe of the dominant culture† ( Henslin 48 ) . The Shawshank Prison is considered a subculture because the related behaviours of the captives. like slaying. distinguishes the members from the larger civilization that they are usually from. The guards are like the jurisprudence of the outside civilization and the inmates are the normal people. All the members in the prison did something incorrect or were accused of something incorrect. so they were put into the same topographic point. The Shawshank Prison could besides be considered a entire establishment. A entire establishment is defined as. â€Å"a topographic point that is about wholly controlled by those who run it. in which people are cut off from the remainder of society and the society is largely cut off from them† ( Henslin 82 ) . The guards in â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† usage ferociousness to command the captives. The captives are kept inside the walls of Shawshank at all times. or else they could be killed. They have about no connexion with the outside un iverse. except when Red takes advantage of the guards to acquire material to be brought into the edifice. like the posting and the tool that Andy wanted. When people are put in prison it is ever for making something illegal. so the prison guards will set the captives through a debasement ceremonial. The guards will deprive the captives of everything they are used to in the existent universe. When the captives were put into their cells at dark clip they were expected to be quiet. but the dark when the new group of captives arrived one adult male was taking being in prison really hard and maintain weeping and being really loud doing attending to himself. so the prison guards pulled the adult male from his cell and beat him till he died. This adult male was non making what he was expected to make so he was punished. The prison guards took each inmate’s individuality from them and forced them to act how they wanted. The societal norms of life outside ofprison and interior of prison are wholly different. Outside of prison colza is non something that should be expected to go on. but for Andy colza and ferociousness was something that happened daily. so it became a norm for him. It started when he was working with the wash. and a group of cats had their eyes on Andy. so they would ravish him. One twenty-four hours the chief cat making the assault was punished by one of the guards and was paralyzed. so from that twenty-four hours on no more people messed with Andy. When the work forces including Andy were working on the roof a societal norm was broken by the guard received fiscal aid from Andy. Guards neer respected the inmates and Andy was respected at times by the guards. Andy wanted something in return for assisting with their revenue enhancements. He said he wanted beer for all of the work forces working on the roof. and the guards gave them his want. Red felt that Andy did this because it could give them the sense that they were free for merely a short period of clip. When I foremost watched the film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† I truly enjoyed the film. but now cognizing that it has so many sociology facets to it I truly want to watch it once more at the terminal of the category to see all the different types I can happen. It neer truly came across to me how much sociology is involved with our mundane lives. but now seeing how much is in merely one film is truly interesting to me. The film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† is a film about the battle of a adult male named Andy Dufresne. who is a banker in Maine that gets convicted of killing his married woman and her lover. He claimed he was guiltless. but because of his cold and sheltered personality no 1 believed that he was genuinely an guiltless individual. so he was given two life sentences at the Shawshank Prison. A month subsequently Andy approaches another character who they call Red. and Red is the cat you go to in the prison when you need something from the outside universe. Andy wanted a cock to work on his stone aggregations. Red assumed this cock was traveling to be used by Andy to get away. but one time he saw the cock he thought there was no manner it was possible. Andy started working with laundry. but so he attracted the attending of certain cats. so he was round and raped daily. Finally he got the occupation of working on the roof with a several other work forces. He over hears the one guard speaking about his revenue enhancements. so he offers to assist him since he was a banker in his former life. Finally he expands the prison library by acquiring the warden to let him to compose letters to the province inquiring for money to finish the undertaking. Finally he gets adequate money that he turn the bantam room into a full sized library. He worked side by side with the character Brooks. who was one of the oldest inmates. He begins learning the other captives because many of them neer received their high school sheepskin and many of them wanted excessively. The one new inmate named Tommy became truly close with Andy and they would state each other many narratives. The one narrative Tommy tells is the narrative about the individual who killed Andy’s married woman and lover. The guards find out that Tommy knows who truly did it. so they killed him and told the other captives that he tried to get away. The one forenoon when they are called to wake up and they step out of their cells Andy is losing. Red subsequently receives a station card in the mail with nil on it and this makes him recognize that Andy made it safely across the boundary line. The whole film discusses the battles that Andy faces while in prison. and shows all th e things he needed to make in order to get away the prison without being shooting. The film is filled with flooring events and demo different types of sociology. The first manner that sociology is shown in the film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† is how Andy experiences civilization daze. Culture daze in the book is shown as a confusion people may meet when coming in contact with a different civilization. and â€Å"can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted premises about life† ( Henslin 37 ) . Traveling from populating a normal mundane life as a banker in Maine. to being forced to populate in a prison would do a sense of freak out because fall ining a prison would be like fall ining a different civilization. He could no longer presume anything because at any point in clip the guards could make up ones mind that they do non wish what he is making and could crush him. Andy had to larn the new societal norms of life inside of the prison. like non inquiring for nutrient or when they will be having nutrient. because if they had asked they learned quickly that they would be punished. and being beaten was the common penalty. Subcultu re is defined as. â€Å"a universe within the larger universe of the dominant culture† ( Henslin 48 ) . The Shawshank Prison is considered a subculture because the related behaviours of the captives. like slaying. distinguishes the members from the larger civilization that they are usually from. The guards are like the jurisprudence of the outside civilization and the inmates are the normal people. All the members in the prison did something incorrect or were accused of something incorrect. so they were put into the same topographic point. The Shawshank Prison could besides be considered a entire establishment. A entire establishment is defined as. â€Å"a topographic point that is about wholly controlled by those who run it. in which people are cut off from the remainder of society and the society is largely cut off from them† ( Henslin 82 ) . The guards in â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† usage ferociousness to command the captives. The captives are kept inside the walls of Shawshank at all times. or else they could be killed. They have about no connexion with the outside un iverse. except when Red takes advantage of the guards to acquire material to be brought into the edifice. like the posting and the tool that Andy wanted. When people are put in prison it is ever for making something illegal. so the prison guards will set the captives through a debasement ceremonial. The guards will deprive the captives of everything they are used to in the existent universe. When the captives were put into their cells at dark clip they were expected to be quiet. but the dark when the new group of captives arrived one adult male was taking being in prison really hard and maintain weeping and being really loud doing attending to himself. so the prison guards pulled the adult male from his cell and beat him till he died. This adult male was non making what he was expected to make so he was punished. The prison guards took each inmate’s individuality from them and forced them to act how they wanted. The societal norms of life outside of prison and interior of prison are wholly different. Outside of prison colza is non something that should be expected to go on. but for Andy colza and ferociousness was something that happened daily. so it became a norm for him. It started when he was working with the wash. and a group of cats had their eyes on Andy. so they would ravish him. One twenty-four hours the chief cat making the assault was punished by one of the guards and was paralyzed. so from that twenty-four hours on no more people messed with Andy. When the work forces including Andy were working on the roof a societal norm was broken by the guard received fiscal aid from Andy. Guards neer respected the inmates and Andy was respected at times by the guards. Andy wanted something in return for assisting with their revenue enhancements. He said he wanted beer for all of the work forces working on the roof. and the guards gave them his want. Red felt that Andy did this because it coul d give them the sense that they were free for merely a short period of clip. When I foremost watched the film â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† I truly enjoyed the film. but now cognizing that it has so many sociology facets to it I truly want to watch it once more at the terminal of the category to see all the different types I can happen. It neer truly came across to me how much sociology is involved with our mundane lives. but now seeing how much is in merely one film is truly interesting to me. Plants Cited Darabont. Frank. dir. Shawshank Redemption. 1994. Film.– – . dir. Shawshank Redemption. 1994. Film.Henslin. James M. Sociology a down to Earth Approach. 11th erectile dysfunction. N. p. : n. p. . 2010. Print. – – . Sociology a down to Earth Approach. 11th erectile dysfunction. N. p. : n. p. . 2010. Print.

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